Publications by team members
Luigi Martinelli, Higher-dimensional O'Grady's resolutions and their exceptional locus, arXiv:2502.20094
Arend Bayer, Alexander Kuznetsov, Emanuele Macrì, Mukai models of Fano varieties, arXiv:2501.16157
Matteo Verni, Lefschetz Defect in families, arXiv:2501.10192
Franco Giovenzana, Luca Giovenzana, Lines, Twisted Cubics on Cubic Fourfolds, and the Monodromy of the Voisin Map, arXiv:2412.07483
Simone Billi, Franco Giovenzana, Luca Giovenzana, Annalisa Grossi, Non-existence of Enriques manifolds from OG10 manifolds, arXiv:2501.06893
Simone Billi, Annalisa Grossi, Lisa Marquand, Cubic fourfolds with a symplectic automorphism of prime order, arXiv:2501.03869
Alessio Bottini, Daniel Huybrechts, Derived categories of Fano varieties of lines, arXiv:2501.03534
Daniel Huybrechts, The period-index problem for hyperkähler manifolds, arXiv:2411.17604
Alessio Bottini, O'Grady's tenfolds from stable bundles on hyper-Kähler fourfolds, arXiv:2411.18528
Francesco Antonio Denisi, Birational geometry of hypersurfaces in products of weighted projective spaces, arXiv:2411.04673
Yajnaseni Dutta, Dominique Mattei, Evgeny Shinder, Twists of intermediate Jacobian fibrations, arXiv:2411.01953
Yoon-Joo Kim, The Neron model of a higher-dimensional Lagrangian fibration, arXiv:2410.21193
Francesco Antonio Denisi, Ángel David Ríos Ortiz, Nikolaos Tsakanikas, Zhixin Xie, MMP for Enriques pairs and singular Enriques varieties, arXiv:2409.12054
Olivier Debarre, Alexander Kuznetsov, Quadrics on Gushel-Mukai varieties, arXiv:2409.03528
Claire Voisin, Universally defined cycles I, arXiv:2408.06893
Chenyu Bai, Hodge theory, algebraic cycles of hyper-Kähler manifolds,